Meteen naar de inhoud


This feed replaces facebook, twitter, instagram and the next big thing and leaves me in full control to share my thoughts and you to read them | Subscribe in any rss reader | Posts are in Dutch, English and occasionally some other language that cannot be named | dbaa | celebrate neurodiversity

hebben jullie ook al ontdekt dat je ongegeneerd in het openbaar kunt gapen onder zo’n mondmasker?


build your own social media

I decided to go my own way and publish my own timeline or whatever you want to call it, and offer it in any reader, platform free. Of course that’s only fun if more people do it.

Insider perspective

This is super interesting stuff for just about every parent nowadays. “Expect to experiment, make mistakes and reorder your priorities – several times.” I was homeschooled for eight years: here’s what I recommend – via @aeonmag